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Redefining the Vision of Better Patient Care: Greenway Health

By Brett Carter, Associate Editor

Christina Fortner Slade
Christina Fortner Slade, Vice President, Product Management, Greenway Health

In my previous interviews with Robin Hackney, Chief Marketing Officer, and Tina Graham, Senior Vice President, Revenue Services, Scott Fannin, Vice President of Product Management and Rob Newman, Vice President of Interoperability Services, we learned about Greenway Health’s (HIMSS’16 booth #4043) recent re-branding campaign and its first new mission pillar: serve. 

For the final feature of the “Voices of Greenway Health series, we spoke with Christina Fortner Slade, Vice President, Product Management, Greenway Health

Some of the topics she discussed include:

  • Greenway Health’s maturation as a company;
  • the evolution of population health in healthcare and Greenway’s plans to lead the field;
  • the spread of consumer health information and telehealth;
  • the effects of patient generational differences within healthcare decision making; and
  • the goal of Greenway Health to create a unified patient experience.

(Editor’s note: To hear audio excerpts of this interview, click on the media player buttons that run throughout this article.)



I. Background

Slade discusses her twenty years of experience bringing products to market. She describes the IT landscape as it changed during her career. Working with Rubbermaid broke her into the healthcare market and details the empathy and passion that guided her quest.


II. The benefits of Greenway’s past

Slade discusses the economies of scale and the difficulties of our fragmented market.  She goes on to outline how its previous companies came together and later the changes from Greenway Health’s first user conference to their most recent, more collaborative conference. 


III. From oceans to buckets to dropsserve

When discussing the practical sides of population health, Slade explains Greenway Community dashboard’s functionality and how it can be utilized to close care gaps, target risk factors for engagement and segment care for a personalized patient experience. 


IV. The next big thingsconnect

Slade discusses the upcoming importance of telehealth and consumer health data. While she views both areas as “the wild west”, Slade sees tremendous promise for real gains in improving health and lower costs.


When addressing the importance of specialized automation, Slade goes on to explain the importance of the patient’s perception of his or her own care and how it can be assisted by effectively leveraging innovative healthcare IT.


V. The impacts upon patients’ roles within healthcare decision making care

Generational differences relative to general health attitudes and provider benefits,  according to Slade, are causing some interesting and profound developments within our field.


VI. The goal of creating a unified experience

Slade concludes by outlining Greeway Health’s goal for a unified experience for patients and draws a unique comparison between the evolution of the World Wide Web and the goal to provide two way dialog between patients and provider.