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November 17, 2016

Datix launches new cloud software

If one international healthcare software company has its way, the number of people who suffer globally from preventable patient harm is going to be significantly reduced. Datix, the world’s leading provider of patient safety software, has just released Datix Cloud IQ, an enhanced SaaS based application that enables healthcare organisations to go beyond simple incident data, to actually uncover “why” mistakes happen – allowing healthcare providers to eliminate root cause issues that lead to medical errors, and truly embed change in their organisation.

“Mistakes happen in high-risk environments,” said Oliver O’Connor, head of product management at Datix, “but by learning from those mistakes, we ensure a safer future for both patients and staff. This is a dramatic leap forward in the ability for organisations to move to a culture where learning is key to risk mitigation, rather than seeking to lay blame.”

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November 14, 2016

App for young onset dementia

A new resource has been developed by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for younger people who have been diagnosed with dementia.

It is a digital “app” which can be downloaded free of charge on to a mobile phone or tablet computer. It brings together up to date information, advice, and inspiration from others who have the condition.

It is estimated there are more than 800 people with Young Onset Dementia in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland – people who developed symptoms before reaching the age of 65.

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November 8, 2016

Waterloo Medical Group saves £15,000 with Nuance medical speech recognition

Nuance Communications announced that Waterloo Medical Group has saved £15,000 in 12 months by speeding up clinical document turnaround times and boosting accuracy with medical speech to text software.

Deploying Nuance Dragon Medical has enabled the team to process clinical documents quickly and accurately without the need to outsource transcriptions or hire additional secretarial support. The solution has relieved mounting pressure caused by rising patient numbers across the entire practice, reducing stress for the GP surgery team as well as delivering significant cost savings.

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November 1, 2016

West Midlands child health departments go live with System C

Child health records for 1.4 million children living across the West Midlands region are now being held on System C’s CarePlus software following a rapid succession of successful deployments.

This has been achieved just 8 months after System C signed a contract with Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust to implement an integrated child health system covering Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Herefordshire, Sandwell, Shropshire, Solihull, Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Telford and Wrekin, Walsall, Warwickshire, Wolverhampton and Worcestershire.

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October 31, 2016

Imprivata demonstrates healthcare’s most comprehensive security platform at EHI Live

Imprivata the healthcare IT security company, will demonstrate healthcare’s most comprehensive platform for authentication, access management, and patient identification at EHI Live 2016. Imprivata will show the latest innovations in single sign-on and authentication management that streamlines witness signing for drug administering and other authentication workflows as well as highlight new biometric positive patient identification technology that is helping healthcare providers globally prevent patient misidentification and improve patient safety.

During EHI Live, Graham Smith, Director, EMEA Professional Services at Imprivata will deliver a presentation about Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where they have achieved efficiencies for clinicians which includes fast, convenient authentication for witness signing and improved visibility and a more complete audit trail for prescribing, administering, and disposing of controlled drugs.

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October 30, 2016

North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan

North Central London provides an update to the development of their Sustainability and Transformation Plan and anticipates being in a position to discuss potential long term solutions from early 2017.

The Update highlighted:

“Information technology needs to better support integrated care. The level of digital maturity of providers across NCL is variable, with most below the national average for digital capabilities, particularly their capability to share information with others. There is no NCL-wide governance structure or leadership team to implement digital transformation, resulting in fragmentation of information flows and duplication of effort.

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October 25, 2916

Cheshire Care Record recognised for prestigious award

Cheshire health and social care partners have been shortlisted in the ‘Enhancing Care by Sharing Data and Information’ category in the HSJ Awards 2016 for their work on the Cheshire Care Record.

The Cheshire Care Record in an electronic shared record that holds data from primary, acute, community, social, mental health and cancer care providers. The implementation of the record, which went live earlier this year, means that more than 80 different health and care organisations can work from the same patient information, and staff are provided with immediate access to comprehensive care records, directly benefiting patient care.

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October 18, 2016

A closer look at the Connecting Care local record

The award winning Connecting Care local record (Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset) aims to provide a shared local patient-centric record to support patient care. The patient summary can be accessed by health and social care across their locality (Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset) and includes details from GPs, information from community, social care and mental health teams, information about End of Life Wishes and other information under one system.

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October 15, 2016

iPLATO and myGP supports flu immunisation programme

For the first time ever, GP surgeries can use innovative appointment booking technology to launch their winter flu immunisation programme to increase patient uptake resulting in greater cost-efficiencies and revenue streams for individual practices. Developed by London-based health-tech specialist iPLATO, the newly enhanced myGP app is being launched to coincide with the winter flu programme 2016/7. It looks set to revolutionise the invitation and booking process, help to improve health outcomes and reduce deaths amongst those patients most at risk.

Dr Richard Pebody, Head of Flu Surveillance for Public Health England believes that; “vaccination remains the best protection we have against the unpredictable flu virus.” Such is the drive to improve immunisation uptake, that GP surgeries are incentivised by benefiting from an additional £9.80 per jab (amongst those ‘at-risk’ patients,) 3 as well as each surgery earning a potential extra £3,000 from Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) points.

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October 10, 2016

Specialist Information Lifecycle Management delivers Compliance for NHS Trusts

Traditional methods for managing the growing deluge of health data simply do not scale any more. Whether observational, research data or medical, clinical imaging, telemetry data or patient-generated consumer device data, healthcare organisations face increasing risks, compliance obligations and data-related IT management tasks.

As a result of the variety and scale of data there are many long-term data management challenges that the NHS faces as a big data holder. More of its processes are digital, therefore it becomes critical to build in effective governance over access to and sharing of data, compliance with regulations and long-term bit-level data integrity in order to identify, quantify and mitigate any associated risks.

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October 7, 2016

European award for Orion Health’s population health management technology

Orion Health has been awarded the 2016 European Frost & Sullivan Award for Product Leadership, recognising the company’s pioneering approach to population health management (PHM), supporting its vision for delivering precision medicine.

Global research and consulting organisation Frost & Sullivan conducted a recent analysis of the PHM solutions market and praised Orion Health for the “unmatched reliability and quality” of its technology, compared to other electronic health record (EHR) vendors.

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October 6, 2016

CCGs using new online marketplace to support personalisation and take-up of personal health budgets

Chiltern CCG and Aylesbury Vale CCG are working with one of the UK’s largest commissioning support units to pioneer the use of a new simple and easy-to-use tool that delivers a seamless, end-to-end process for the delivery of personal health budgets.

The clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are using PHBChoices, the new online marketplace that connects health and care suppliers with Personal Health Budget (PHB) holders. PHBChoices has been developed and delivered by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) using the cloudBuy eCommerce platform.

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Electronic Patient Acuity Monitoring System, ePAMS, NHS, NHS Foundation Trust, NHS Trust, The Healthcare Technology Newspaper