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What impact should medical billing reviews have on your practice’s purchasing decisions?

Matt Hendricks, Healthcare IT Consultant, CureMD
Matt Hendricks, Healthcare IT Consultant, CureMD

According to the 2014 Black Book Survey, 89 percent of doctors admitted their medical billing and collections systems were in need of upgrading. On top of this underlying need is another one: the need to be complaint with ICD-10 requirements and new meaningful use initiatives. All of this adds up to an industry that is seeing a majority of physicians looking to purchase Health IT such as Medical Billing and practice management software.

But selecting and implementing new software can be daunting to a small, busy practice because there are literally hundreds of software vendors in the marketplace,and many doctors put off making a purchasing decision for as long as they can.

Can you relate?

Unbiased review sites can help practices choose their medical billing solutions

Rob Bellenfant is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Technology Advice, a rating and review site aimed at helping business owners across various industries make informed buying decisions. “Finding the best technology solution for your specific needs is often stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. With access to more information than ever before, it’s easy for a buyer to get overwhelmed in the research process and question what sources are reliable.”

Unbiased and reliable third-party review websites can be incredibly useful tools that help practices narrow down their IT choices. Ratings sites allow staff to quickly refine their search by entering key practice information like size and specialty while also letting them choose the medical billing features they require.

And, since these sites let practices read through reviews and ratings from real users, as well as leverage unbiased surveys, articles and in-person expert assistance, physicians can easily compare the top choices on their list and make an informed decision.

User reviews impact purchase satisfaction

Another survey, this one conducted in collaboration with Research Now and Melissa McCormack, a medical analyst with Software Advice, looked at long-term ramifications of using online ratings and reviews when purchasing medical billing, practice management and other health IT solutions.

According the survey’s results, nearly three quarters of physicians consult reviews before making a buying decision, and more than half of the respondents said they are apt to select one product over another based solely on reviews.

The main takeaway from this particular survey is that using reviews to help select the right solution impacts long-term satisfaction with the purchase. In fact, in another study conducted by Software Advice’s Ashley Verril, physicians who did not check user reviews before making a software purchase were 5.2 times more likely to be very dissatisfied with their purchase than those that did.

Verril notes that sites like Yelp and Trip Advisor have taught buyers to leverage user opinions when making important buying decisions. “It allows them to confirm that customers had a positive experience before they buy,” she said.

Medical billing reviews and your bottom line

As a busy healthcare provider you have an awful lot at stake when selecting new technology like medical billing and practice management software. Your choice not only affects your staff’s work flow, it affects your bottom line and your ability to care for patients.

It’s incredibly important that you be able to narrow down your software search to a select handful of vendors so you can do further research and ensure all of your criteria are met. You can imagine how much easier life will be when you only have to schedule demos for 3 systems instead of 30 – you simply don’t have time for that.

To answer the question, “What impact should medical billing reviews have on your practice’s purchasing decisions?” Plenty. Review sites will ultimately save your time and increase your overall satisfaction with your final purchase.