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Carestream Health earns high marks* in KLAS Enterprise Imaging Report for healthcare IT offerings

Carestream Health earns high ratings* for its vendor-neutral archive and universal viewer in the recently released KLAS Enterprise Imaging 2016 Report. Carestream tied with one other vendor for offering “the strongest and most consistent out-of-the-box image management functionality,” according to the report. Carestream’s FDA-cleared Vue Motion also was highly rated* in the universal viewer category and it “integrates well with the Carestream VNA and various service lines,” according to the report.

KLAS has a longstanding reputation for accurately and impartially measuring vendor performance. The company’s reports represent the combined opinions of people from provider organizations comparing how vendors, products, and/or services performed when measured against the participant’s objectives and expectations.

According to the report, Carestream’s Vue Archive “is easy to use, the training is effective and the solution consistently works well.” One chief information officer quoted in the report said, “The VNA is amazing. Tertiary hospitals call us and ask us how we are getting the clinical notes, reporting and imaging sent over to them in a readable format. That makes us feel good considering our size and ability to send things upstream. The VNA is doing exactly what I had planned for it to do.”

The KLAS report states that “Carestream is noted for fostering strong partnerships with providers. Empowered support staff, quick problem resolution, and proactive communication are frequently mentioned by providers as Carestream’s strengths.” Carestream was also rated* well in the “Overall Satisfaction with a VNA Vendor” category.

“Carestream’s Clinical Collaboration Platform is an enterprise imaging solution that can acquire, manage and consolidate islands of systems and present a single point of access to patients’ clinical records,” said Ludovic D’Aprea, Carestream’s Global General Manager for Healthcare Information Solutions.

The report highlights that nearly 75 percent of the providers are not doing and are not considering deconstructed PACS as their go-forward strategy, while 22 percent are still considering deconstructed PACS.

“Carestream enables providers to choose their own approach to enterprise imaging. Whether they want to centralize with a VNA or federate with a universal viewer, the platform offers vendor-agnostic modules complete with a scalable Unified Core,” D’Aprea adds.

The Clinical Collaboration Platform also delivers the ability to acquire and meta-data tag non-DICOM image data to ensure intelligent clinical information lifecycle management. It can easily integrate into existing EMR systems and is currently deployed globally by single- and multi-site healthcare providers, as well as regional and national medical archive projects.

*KLAS Konfidence is a measure of sample size. Carestream was included in KLAS’ “Below Konfidence category” because fewer than 15 interviews were conducted.