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Collaborative Family and Children selects GSI Health’s platform to support community-based care programs

GSI Health announced today that its GSIHealthCoordinator care coordination and population health platform is the technology solution of choice for Collaborative Family and Children (CCF)—a health home that on any given day serves more than 60,000 children in the New York area. The GSIHealthCoordinator platform will provide a range of care coordination apps, population health analytics, and reporting for CCF’s population health initiatives, including the state-led Children’s Health Home, Medicaid Redesign Team Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (MRT DSRIP) and Medicaid Health Home programs.

CCF serves 80 to 85 percent of the youth in foster care, as well as roughly 60 percent of the families receiving preventative services in the New York City area. The range of service is very broad, spanning more than 34 downstream providers throughout New York City’s five boroughs and surrounding areas, including schools and educational programs, day care, Head Start and other early childhood services, clinics, case management, after-school and summer youth programs, and residential treatment facilities services in addition to foster care and preventative services. The customizable GSIHealthCoordinator platform facilitates collaboration across these diverse care organizations, with installations configured specifically for each program.

“Our challenge is to reduce healthcare costs while improving outcomes for children, many of whom are at risk,” said Jodi Saitowitz, Interim Director of CCF. “GSI Health enables us to see beyond just medical data to the social and behavioral issues that affect this population—giving us insights that will allow us to proactively manage their needs.”

As one of the nation’s leading Medicaid Health Home solutions, GSI Health has broad and deep experience in all aspects of care coordination and population health management solutions supporting health home, DSRIP, and other value-based programs nationwide. GSIHealthCoordinator supports patient care plan development, team collaboration, real-time alerts and enhanced risk stratification and analytics, enabling CCF to care for the whole person and the whole population through integrated care teams spanning the care continuum.

“Our tight coupling of care coordination with analytics creates a seamless approach to population health management that helps our clients navigate the challenges of care management while dealing with the fast-changing regulatory landscape,” saidLee Jones, CEO of GSI Health. “We connect critical systems across the care continuum so CCF can effectively collaborate with its diverse network of providers to impact the lives of tens of thousands of children in New York.”  

For more information on GSI Health and its GSIHealthCoordinator platform, visit