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KLAS HIE Report: InterSystems HealthShare is top-rated health information exchange in EMR-independent category

InterSystems, a leader in health information technology, today announced that InterSystems HealthShare received the highest customer scores in the EMR-independent category of health information technology (HIE) products, according to the just-released KLAS report “HIE 2016: Shifts in Vendor Performance and Provider Outlook.”

Through interviews with 332 healthcare providers, KLAS, an independent research firm focusing on healthcare IT, examined the current state of the HIE market and the search for reliability, relevance, and transformation. InterSystems HealthShare received an overall score of 87.1, the second-highest overall score and the highest in the EMR-independent HIE category, indicating strength in both performance and future outlook.

KLAS describes interoperability as key to the success of population health initiatives that support the transition to value-based care. “Without the ability to share patient data and facilitate transitions of care, healthcare organizations cannot hope to improve the quality of care delivery or avoid financial penalties across the continuum,” the report noted.

“We believe InterSystems customers gave HealthShare a strong vote of confidence for the future in providing this critical functionality – interoperability,” said Joe DeSantis, Vice President, HealthShare Platforms, for InterSystems.

When KLAS asked healthcare providers, “Will your vendor be able to meet your interoperability needs in the next few years?” InterSystems was among the vendors rated strongest for both HIE performance and interoperability outlook: “Nine out of ten customers say InterSystems will keep pace with their needs over the next three years,” the report stated. “They expect InterSystems to continue to respond positively to service needs and express confidence in InterSystems’ ability to adapt to any change in the technology landscape.”

‘Stable island of high performance’

In a changing HIE landscape, InterSystems is one of the few vendors who have maintained “a fairly stable island of high performance,” the report stated. “These vendors have largely maintained, or improved, their performance over the last two years. The key to their success? Consistent service delivery.”

HealthShare customer comments from the report include the following:

  • “One of InterSystems’ strengths is their ability to provide us with a strategic informatics platform that we can really do anything we want with.”
  • “InterSystems is good at listening to their customers. We constantly communicate with our InterSystems representatives. Their help desk people are very helpful, and the account representatives are phenomenal at reaching out to us.”
  • “The clinical event notifications from InterSystems are really great. They are important because we have organizations that have at-risk programs today, and they need to reduce preventable readmissions. Sending out alerts helps providers stay in the loop. They can get information by signing up for the event notifications, so they can be notified when patients they are monitoring show up in the ED.”
  • “I like HealthShare Information Exchange’s ability to handle different kinds of message structures. HealthShare Information Exchange is very flexible. The analytical piece of the system is very impressive. We have yet to break the glass on the unstructured text handling.”
  • “The whole interoperability industry is going to change in the next two to three years. Connections will be done completely differently than they are today. FHIR standards will allow EMRs to talk to other EMRs, kind of bypassing the whole HIE thing, except for one key factor. FHIR does not involve a record locator. InterSystems is already preparing their platform to handle that type of load and request. They are helping us prepare for the future.”

The voice of the customer

“KLAS rankings are highly trusted because they are the voice of healthcare providers – our customers – and are not based on subjective analyses. We are honored to receive this outstanding score in HIE technology from our clients, and we look forward to further serving their HIE needs with a health informatics platform that will meet their long-term interoperability needs,” said Joe DeSantis of InterSystems.

KLAS defines HIE as at least two healthcare provider organizations’ actively exchanging patient data and other information (unidirectionally or bidirectionally). Information must be shared between unowned facilities, meaning separate organizations. HIEs that are not yet actively exchanging data are not counted as live for the purposes of this study.

For more information on the KLAS report, “HIE 2016: Shifts in Vendor Performance and Provider Outlook,” visit KLAS online at The report is available to healthcare providers and vendors. Healthcare providers receive a significant discount off the standard retail price or can receive a complimentary summary report in exchange for a survey about their current vendors.

(Disclaimer: The preceding includes selected commentaries that may not represent the whole of provider sentiment related to this product or service. Visit for a complete view.)