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Iatric Systems launches Analytics on Demand, giving healthcare providers timely clinical quality data for value-based care

Iatric Systems, today launched Analytics on Demand. This new analytics solution helps healthcare organizations transition to valuebased care by rapidly delivering clinical and financial data needed to achieve incentives and avoid penalties, all while positively impacting patient care. Analytics on Demand includes pre-built dashboards, deploys quickly, and immediately delivers key decision-making data in both ambulatory and hospital settings, providing a clearer picture of overall performance.

Unlike other analytics or data warehouse solutions that can take months or years to show a return on investment, Analytics on Demand delivers value in a matter of weeks. Iatric Systems maps target data from the provider’s operational systems to the EHR-agnostic Analytics on Demand system, where data is presented to users on pre-built dashboards. Analytics on Demand methodology allows providers to accurately track and analyze data quickly so clinicians can use it to change patient outcomes. Analytics on Demand will help healthcare organizations meet important value-based care objectives and performance metrics. Current modules include:

  • Quality Measures Management and Reporting
  • Meaningful Use compliance for eligible hospital and eligible professional
  • Sepsis Management
  • Readmission Management

Additional modules that will be delivered later in 2016 include Value–based Purchasing, Hospital Acquired Conditions, and a DIY dashboard designer that lets providers address many of the hot-button issues in healthcare such as population health.

Iatric Systems also offers expert services to complement Analytics on Demand. As part of this service, an Iatric Systems advisor works with the healthcare provider on a spectrum of issues, including transitioning to value-based care, overall project management, clinical workflow re-design, and data acquisition strategies. Iatric Systems will also offer a custom dashboard and report designer service for those organizations that might not have the resources or desire to build their own.

“With Analytics on Demand, we’re helping providers truly change patient outcomes right out of the gate. The impact can be seen in weeks, especially due to clinical workflow integration and pre-built modules streamlined to meet pressing clinical and financial concerns,” said Frank Fortner, President of Iatric Systems. “This powerful new suite of products and services is built on our more than 25 years of experience managing and understanding clinical and financial data, and driving value for healthcare organizations.”

One of the most powerful elements of Analytics on Demand, with its pre-built dashboards, is that it is flexible. Elements in the dashboards can be changed on the fly by users — for example, views can be changed from a day or week to 60 days, 90 days, or a year-long by simply moving a slider.

Once implemented, Analytics on Demand continues to deliver quick time to value. Additional modules can be implemented quickly due to the Analytics on Demand extensible platform, and new quality measures are easily consumed using the Health Quality Data Measures Format (HQMF). Analytics on Demand will be generally available on April 1, 2016, and is featured at the Iatric Systems exhibit at the HIMSS16 tradeshow in Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb. 29-March 4 in booth #7730. To schedule a meeting, contact Iatric Systems at For information about the HIMSS16 conference, please visit