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Cerner launches developer experience for SMART on FHIR applications

Cerner, a global leader in healthcare technology, has launched the Cerner Open Developer Experience (code_) to enhance collaboration with third-party and client developers on SMART on FHIR applications (apps). code_ is a digital experience designed to meet market expectations of open communications, robust API documentation, provide clearly defined guidelines and access to tools that enable innovative app development.

“Cerner is committed to taking a leadership role to support third-party developers and help further health information technology,” said Dr. David McCallie, senior vice president, Medical Informatics, Cerner. “Encouraging innovators to develop apps that work across existing health records can help the industry advance the way care is delivered through improved interoperability capabilities.”

Any developer can visit the new website,, to start coding immediately with the SMART on FHIR tools in the Cerner open sandbox, research educational development tools and browse current apps that are available or in development. The site is mobile-friendly, so users can access it from a number of different devices.

SMART on FHIR apps run on top of the electronic health records, which enable physicians to access the “pluggable apps” directly within their workflow to more easily visualize, interact and transmit health data.

“Fostering new ideas from the developer community enables us to reach a broader market of potential users,” said Bob Robke, vice president, Interoperability, Cerner. “It’s this open platform that has potential to unlock the next cutting-edge solution that could benefit not only our entire client base, but the industry as well.”

Fifteen new SMART on FHIR apps are in development or in production and will be showcased in Cerner booth 2032 at HIMSS16, Feb. 29 – March 4, at Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas. Attendees will be able to explore the variety of apps on interactive touch screens, including EnrG|RheumTM by xG Health Solutions, the VisualDx Clinical Decision Support App and RxCheck by RxREVUTM.