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Center for Digital Health Innovation at UCSF and Voalte partner to offer next-generation, interactive clinician communications

Voalte, the leader in healthcare communication technology, today announced at its inaugural client conference, VUE15, a co-development effort with the Center for Digital Health Innovation (CDHI) at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). In 2016, this partnership will develop Voalte Story, a product based on CareWeb, a clinician facing interactive patient wall that caregivers may access to post and link texts or alarms to a specific patient.

“In response to the chaotic nature of clinical communications today, we are developing Voalte Story to provide new levels of collaboration and care coordination in the acute care and ambulatory settings,” said Trey Lauderdale, founder and CEO of Voalte. “In healthcare today, text messages, voice calls, and alarms occur millions of times every day. However, these occur in a one-to-one format; a text conversation between a nurse and a doctor cannot be accessed by other parties. Voalte Story solves that.”

Built upon Voalte Platform, the company’s new communication solution, Voalte Story utilizes “enterprise social-based communication” (ESBC) to drive interaction in a format similar to social networks. By using common social media symbols like @ and #, caregivers can easily reference a patient, care-team member, or other staff when communicating about a specific alarm or text message.

“In an active hospital setting, fast and accurate communications can truly be the difference between life or death, and yet our communications systems remain slow and fragmented,” said Michael Blum, MD, CDHI Director and Chief Medical Information Officer, UCSF Medical Center. “Our goal is to tap into the huge advances in consumer communications to create an efficient and secure shorthand system for sharing information within health care teams and between caregivers.”

Voalte Story will integrate with Voalte Platform Collaboration Solution products Voalte One, Voalte Me, and Voalte Messenger that will:

  • Permit multiple caregivers to access communication occurring around a specific patient, topic, or notification in a user-friendly format;
  • Streamline communication between the patient care team and improve caregiver communication and efficiency;
  • Allow caregivers to see the history of sent and received messages related to the patient.

“We are excited to align our efforts with those of UCSF’s mission to lead the transformation of healthcare delivery,” said Trey Lauderdale. “We firmly believe this form of communication will be pervasive in healthcare in the next five years.”