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More than one-third of physicians are contemplating Direct Primary Care

Amazing Charts, a developer of Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Practice Management systems, released the results of its annual Amazing Charts User Survey(1), revealing new insights into physician awareness and attitudes about Direct Primary Care (DPC). Among the findings, a combined 37 percent responded positively to the question “Are you contemplating a DPC practice?”(2)

Direct Primary Care refers to health care delivery offered directly to consumers and employers without insurance administration and third-party payers. Key findings below indicate a positive attitude about DPC and strong physician interest in exploring this new model of practice:

  • Awareness of DPC – 43 percent of respondents were either very familiar or somewhat familiar with the term Direct Primary Care; 39 percent were unfamiliar with the term; and 17 percent were familiar with DPC, but did not know what it meant.
  • Attitude toward DPC – Of those respondents who were familiar with DPC, 65 percent registered “very positive” or “positive” feelings, 30 percent were neutral, and 5 percent expressed negative feelings.
  • Media coverage of DPC – When asked “How do you feel DPC is portrayed in the media?” an overwhelming majority — 70 percent of respondents — said the media “doesn’t cover it [DPC] enough,” 11 percent said “positively,” 14 percent said “negatively,” and 5 percent said there was “too much coverage.”

“Direct Primary Care is emerging as an affordable way to get high-quality, primary care,” said John Squire, President and COO of Amazing Charts, a division of Pri-Med. “Driven by the Affordable Care Act and high-deductible insurance plans, both consumers and employers are looking for a model that encourages comprehensive care at a lower cost. That’s why we are supporting this practice model with Pri-Med InLight EHR, a problem-oriented clinical documentation system that includes the membership management and patient engagement functions required by DPC physicians.”