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Cerner announces strategic alignment with Glens Falls Hospital to consolidate its EHR platform

Glens Falls Hospital, a comprehensive integrated health care system in upstate New York, and Cerner, a global leader in health care technology, have formed a strategic alignment to connect the health system onto one electronic health record (EHR). Cerner will extend its Millennium EHR into the system’s ambulatory facilities, enhance clinical processes and health care delivery capabilities and position the health system for future growth and advancement.

The enhanced collaboration will help enable the health system to deploy new capabilities to optimize resources and achieve efficiencies and cost savings by implementing one EHR across the organization.

“After evaluating all EHR suppliers, we decided that extending our use of Cerner Millennium to our ambulatory clinics and leveraging Cerner ITWorkssm gave us the best opportunity to deliver value and connect the health system,” said Dianne Shugrue, President and CEO of Glens Falls Hospital.

In February, Cerner assumed operational and administrative responsibilities for the health system’s information technology (IT) environment through its Cerner ITWorks services, including remote hosting, security monitoring and system performance capabilities. The services are designed to protect the health system’s electronic health data and support an optimum patient and user experience.

“Our new alignment enables Cerner to work even closer with Glens Falls Hospital to further connect the health system onto one EHR and deliver health care IT infrastructure innovation today and into the future,” said Marcos Garcia, vice president of Cerner ITWorks.

Since 1996, Glens Falls Hospital and Cerner have worked together to implement clinical information systems, improve patient outcomes and transform health care delivery. The strategic alignment will help Glens Falls Hospital build on its strong foundation of managing health care across its community and enable area residents to proactively manage their health with their care providers through EHRs.

The alignment emphasizes a person-centric care model and helps build efficiency, effectiveness and technological advancements into the Glens Falls Hospital system.