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EMS Find expands its mobile on-demand platform by launching development of RN Find

EMS Find, the developer of innovative healthcare solutions, announced its intention to expand the EMS Find Application by commencing development of the RN Find, on-demand mobile platform, designed to connect hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies and other healthcare providers with nursing professionals who are actively seeking additional employment and assist patients looking for help with post-acute and sub-acute health care.

In the Age of Affordable Care Act, a massive migration of registered nurses is taking place – from traditional clinical settings to case management where nurses are expected to take on much larger role much more like that of primary physicians. “Today, on-demand mobile apps have become a strategic imperative for healthcare organizations to effectively compete in this new mobile era,” said Steve Rubakh, CEO of EMS Find, Inc. “By bundling and jointly marketing the EMS Find and the RN Find, we are targeting what is projected to be a 119 billion dollar annual labor sector by year 2022 with 3.5 million nurses working at major hospitals, nursing homes and home care agencies. Our company is focused on creating a unique and innovative B2B and B2C real-time platform designed to facilitate the highest level of healthcare.”

According to a newly published report by the Georgetown University Center, the economy will create 1.6 million job openings for nurses through 2020 but still, there won’t be enough nurses to fill those openings, thus a shortage of 193,000 nursing professionals is projected.

The report’s major findings support an increasing demand for nurses due to:

  • crowded nursing schools continue to reject 1 out of 3 qualified applicants
  • expansion of health care insurance coverage to millions of Americans
  • increase in legal barriers to immigrate nursing talent
  • retirement of old nurses, resulting in creation of thousands of job openings
  • 1.6 million job openings are projected with 700,000 of those resulting from newly created positions and 880,000 resulting from retirements