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Aegis Health Group releases MDSmart, a tool to identify physician referral leakage for healthcare providers

Aegis Health Group, a leader in population health management and analytics, has released MDSmart — a revolutionary data intelligence tool for healthcare providers. The cloud-based platform provides actionable analytics focused on identifying physician referral trends and quantifying care relationships.  Consulting services are also offered, providing a complete solution to help analyze intelligence, to identify strategic opportunities, and to develop an actionable plan.

MDSmart gathers and maps data sets from Medicare, states, facilities, and claims sources, creating a visual model tailored to individual systems’ needs that includes key measures of market performance and missing data gaps, as well as, identifying areas for growth. By visually mapping referral trends for individual physicians across an entire system, MDSmart provides a unique window into the movement of patient populations as never before seen.

“The ability to visually map referral patterns and leakage trends for individual physicians is groundbreaking intelligence for healthcare providers,” said Aegis CEO Phil Suiter. “As providers continue to operate on increasingly thin margins, it is more critical than ever to find ways to measure the value of physician relationships, referral trends, and resulting impact to market share. These actionable analytics enable leaders to identify risk and leverage points to significantly grow volumes and improve overall population health.”

As to the specific capabilities, MDSmart enables providers to focus on areas that will make the biggest impact:

  • Identify and engage key physician referrers and influencers
  • Reduce referral leakage and enhance physician loyalty
  • Assist in the key decisions regarding development of narrow networks
  • Optimize the growth of key service lines and payer mix
  • Proactively identify competitive threats
  • Capitalize on geographic opportunities, market trends, mergers, and acquisitions

MDSmart, which is complemented by Aegis’ proven track record of providing consultative services and analytics to wide array of healthcare providers, was developed with locally-based Perception Health under a proprietary licensing agreement. Perception Health provides visual maps of community care networks with products that provide real-time intelligence to improve efficiency and effectiveness.