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Electronic health record of first U.S. president sheds new light on progress of healthcare

How healthy was the Father of Our Country? That was the question asked by Amazing Charts when it constructed a fictional Electronic Health Record (EHR) for President George Washington at the age of 57, ten years before his death, based on historical accounts from physicians, family members, and other eyewitnesses.

President Washington experienced a wide variety of diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, and smallpox. With the perspective of today’s medical knowledge, this clinical documentation sheds new light on the progress of healthcare over the past 200 years. The record was created using Amazing Charts EHR software and includes President Washington’s demographics, review of past medical history, medications list, and present complaint.

According to Marc L. Mosier, MD, Chief Medical Officer of Pri-Med/Amazing Charts, a leading provider of medical education and electronic health record (EHR) systems: “This historically reconstructed medical record highlights some noteworthy facts about President Washington. He was afflicted by a long list of health concerns, most of which have been nearly eradicated by the progress of medicine. His health record also dramatically illustrates the amazing evolution of medicine over the past two centuries and our ability to better manage disease and illness today.”


George Washington Chart