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McKesson introduces new Paragon Clinician Hub

To help physicians and other care providers better manage the avalanche of patient information and clinical tasks they face every day, McKesson has launched Paragon Clinician Hub, a Web-based information presentation and workflow management solution. New with Paragon release 13.0, the tool allows providers to view clinical and administrative information, document care, and place orders for patients – all within an innovative new user experience that is visual, personal and intelligent. Clinicians can securely access the system from anywhere, increasing their productivity and convenience while enabling more timely care decisions.

Physicians at Holzer Health System (Gallipolis, Ohio), a 290 bed multi-facility organization, have responded enthusiastically to Paragon Clinician Hub. According to Scott Davis, MD, Chief Medical Information Officer for Holzer, “Since we went live with Paragon 13.0 we have received feedback from a large number of physicians and their impressions have been universally positive. They really like the new provider-friendly user interface and the dramatic improvement in visibility of important clinical information.”

Recent surveys have shown that many physicians and nurses are dissatisfied with current EHRs. While the reasons vary, many complaints relate to poor usability. “When we began the design process for Paragon Clinician Hub, our goal was to take a different approach compared with existing patient care solutions,” explained Michael Blackman, MD, Chief Medical Officer for McKesson. “We know that all clinicians – physicians in particular – are deluged with information. They struggle to sift through it to find what they need to make a decision efficiently while not missing anything critical. Our design imperative was to provide the right information at the right point in clinical workflow, make it easy to see the data that is important, and act on that data with as few clicks as possible.”

Holzer physicians have noted these dramatic improvements to clinical workflow with Paragon Clinician Hub. “Paragon Clinician Hub addresses workflow and navigation with an intuitive presentation of relevant data while minimizing clicks. In addition, the medication reconciliation improvements are stellar,” added Davis. “McKesson has been a great partner for us. They have incredible insight into the future of healthcare. Even before we have time to look at clinical trends and workflow improvements ourselves, they’re well ahead of the curve on those types of things.”

Paragon Clinician Hub features a clean, modern, intuitive user interface developed after a careful examination of provider workflows. The result is a highly visual and intelligent application that gives clinicians the personalized information they need to perform a task with fewer steps. “With this solution, we focused on key aspects of the user experience: productivity, effectiveness, and access to information,” remarked Blackman. “Our overarching goal was to provide an EHR that clinicians truly want to use.”

Paragon Clinician Hub is a major new feature in Paragon Release 13.0, an upgrade release focused on physician- associated applications to help improve physician satisfaction and adoption. Other major enhancements include enhanced support for multi-facility organizations, improved Paragon Lab functionality, and additional features in the Paragon Rules Engine, a clinical decision support tool that provides real time alerting using data within the Paragon database.