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TeleTracking & NAHTM to set hospital transporter performance standards

TeleTracking Technologies announced it will partner with the National Association of Healthcare Transport Management (NAHTM) to identify productivity standards for hospital patient transport departments.

The collaboration will begin later this year with a benchmarking project that will collect and analyze data from 25 participating U.S. and Canadian hospitals. Each hospital will provide historical data on request time (the time between request and dispatch of a transporter), transport time (job assignment to completion), and overall transport completion time (from initial request to job completion). An initial report is due this fall.

As the leading producer of operational management systems for healthcare, with the largest client base, TeleTracking is uniquely positioned to benchmark operational performance in most categories of services supporting hospital caregiving. Future benchmarking initiatives may include environmental services (EVS) standards, admission/discharge performance, and referral patterns.

“The collaborative relationship with TeleTracking is invaluable to our members and to the healthcare industry at large,” said NAHTM President Dr. Pamela Douglas-Ntagha, DNP, JD, RN, who is Director of Patient Resources at MD Anderson Cancer Center.  “It’s the basis for a project of standards development that will allow us to continually understand, measure and improve patient care and performance efficiency.”

“TeleTracking and NAHTM have had a rich history and relationship that has spanned over a decade,” said Jason Harber, Vice President of Product Management at TeleTracking. “We are honored to have been selected for the study which will allow patient transport departments to understand the factors that impact performance.”

All participants are NAHTM members using TeleTracking’s TransportTracking application (version 3.0 or higher).  Results of the benchmarking study will be available to NAHTM members and other entities selected by NAHTM and TeleTracking. Interested hospitals may contact Pamela Doulas-Ntagha ( at NAHTM for more information.