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New report from Kable – “Internet of Things (IoT): Technology, Outlook and Significance”

“Internet of Things (IoT): Technology, Outlook and Significance” is a new report by Kable that globally analyzes industry opinion on the implementation status of IoT technology or platform, and the challenges of adopting IoT solutions over the next three years. This report also examines executive opinions with regards to technology solutions needed for the implementation of IoT, and business advantages through IoT solutions. It analyzes the likely timespan for adopting IoT solutions in organizations, and understanding and familiarity about IoT. This report provides information about projected investment in IoT solutions over the next two years and key industries that are likely to implement IoT solutions within their organization in future.

Key findings

  • The majority of organizations have not yet implemented IoT technology or platform;
  • Mobile computing, Wi-Fi, and real time location tracking are crucial for organizations to implement IoT;
  • The highest percentage of executives indicate that no major change is required in the security program handling the implementation of IoT;
  • Organizations expect system integration, and privacy issues and security concerns to pose challenges in the implementation of IoT solutions over the next three years;
  • Organizations expect IoT solutions to improve customer experience and increase resource optimization;
  • Power and energy, logistics, and healthcare are expected to record significant implementation of IoT over the next two years.


This report is the result of an extensive survey drawn from Kable’s exclusive panel of leading global IT industry executives. The report analyzes the adoption status of IoT technology or platform within organizations and the expected timeframe for implementation. It forecasts projected expenditure on IoT solutions over the next two years and potential business gains using IoT solutions. Furthermore, the report provides information about technologies crucial for supporting IoT within organizations, major areas for IoT adoption over the next two years, and accessing security systems to handle IoT adoption concerns. Additionally, the report includes a level of knowledge and awareness about IoT, major barriers in adoption of IoT solutions over the next three years, and organizational goals through deployment of IoT solutions.

In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following:

  • Level of understanding about IoT: identifies the level of understanding and familiarity about IoT and its application within organizations;
  • Expected timeframe for implementation of IoT solution: anticipates the timeframe within which organizations are likely to implement IoT solutions;
  • Technologies crucial for supporting IoT within organizations: examines technology solutions that are necessary for organizations to implement IoT;
  • IoT solutions and organizational objectives: determines goals which organizations intend to achieve through deployment of IoT solutions;
  • Potential business gains using IoT solutions: ascertains business benefits that organizations are aiming to achieve through IoT solutions;
  • Major barriers in adoption of IoT solutions: examines challenges towards the implementation of IoT solutions over the next three years;
  • Key industries for IoT implementation: identifies industries that are poised for significant IoT implementation over the next two years;
  • Projected investment on IoT solutions: determines investment planned in IoT solutions over the next two years.

Download the full report: